We’re passionate about making content and helping creators grow.

Meet Josh

While I was busy working in marketing for years, I became passionate about the idea of helping more small content creators succeed. When I started Dead Jester Productions, I knew the opportunity had finally arrived. I quickly realized that while creating content such as the DJP Podcast was engaging, it also allowed me to meet people from all backgrounds. With this in mind I knew I could utilize it to connect with other creators, and so the Dead Jester Productions Partner Program was born. I now have the pleasure of working with aspiring content creators and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

We can help.

Bring your ideas to life

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Build your confidence

It can be intimidating to start your own business. Learn to present yourself and your concepts with confidence.

Expand your potential

We want to help you meet your maximum potential, whether it’s helping you building brand loyalty or expanding your business offerings.